Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Be More Aware

At my last official meeting for the year yesterday, I lent Padma Perez, incoming president of the Baguio Writers Group, my copy of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love, a memoir of the author’s recovery from heartbreak by eating her way through Italy, learning meditation in India and adapting to Oriental ways in Bali. Being from the “don’t judge a book by its cover” school of thought, I failed to note the significance of this book’s cover. An observant Padma pointed out how Eat is spelled out using pasta, Pray with prayer beads and Love with orchids. She taught me my last lesson for the year: be ever present in the moment. Thanks, P! Photo by KIMI FERNANDEZ


padma said...

Thank you for lending the book to me. It's become my bible since the moment you put it in my hands! I'm still making my way through Elizabeth Gilbert's stories while navigating a parallel journey myself (though I wish my path could at least be as funny as hers!).

padma said...

Thank YOU for lending me this book at the best time possible. It's become my bible since you put it in my hands. I just wish my parallel journey were at least half as funny as Elizabeth Gilbert's.

padma said...

Thanks for lending me this book at the best possible time. It's become my bible since you put it in my hands. I just wish my parallel journey were at least half as funny as hers. I hope you don't mind, I'm reading slowly.