Thursday, January 22, 2015

Flores para Placido Domingo

Yes, it is the Maestro's signature on a Metropolitan Opera playbill of The Enchanted Island, a Baroque pastiche where Señor Domingo plays Neptune. This was part of my Christmas loot of paper treasures from fellow music aficionado Lara Halili. I'm paying my personal homage to the esteemed tenor from Spain who turned 74 on Jan. 21. I hope retirement is far from his mind.

And there he is, holding Neptune's trident. How glorious he appears.

To you, whose beautiful name translates into English as Placid Sunday (shouldn't our Sundays be placid, always?), this Pinay fan offers a vase of white lilies from Benguet's fields. Thank you for years of listening pleasure. Photos by Babeth Lolarga

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