Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Moon outside our window

No sky could hold
so much light–
and here comes the brimming,
the flooding and streaming
out of the clouds
and into the leaves...

~ from "Harvest Moon" by Mary Oliver

No sight makes me more excited to be alive and awake than the moon glowing bright at past 4 a.m. on another morning when I am wakened by the urge to pee. Facebook is flooded with images of this dazzling orb, red in some parts of the world, a luminous white in mine.

Up to 6 a.m. this Wednesday, the full moon was still setting, framed by the branches of pine trees outside our bedroom window. My grandchild Kai did a moon dance while I got ready to dress her up for school.

Would I had a child's courage and strength to hop and skip and do a dance as a gesture of thankfulness for the free gifts of Nature.

But I am only a half-mute witness to this godly hour, and the camera phone I borrowed from my husband Rolly Fernandez, who mumbled from the depths of his slumber that yes, I could borrow his gadget, cannot adequately capture this glory be moment.

Enough said, now back to workaday deadlines!

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