The author of Eat Pray Love guested more than once in Oprah Winfrey’s show. She has become a kind of guru or life coach (but I suspect she cringes at those titles) because many women identify with her life story.
Anyway, we caught her two appearances on the show and remember the three questions she asked women to habitually ask themselves at the start and end of each day.
What do you really really really want? (Emphasis on “really.”)
Write the happiest moment of your day.
Refine your mantra. (Throw out negative thought habits.)
In this picture taken by one of my daughters, a Christmas Eve scene is captured, one of the happiest times for me in 2008. I love the candlelight, the festive table setting, the presence of dear ones (clockwise: Chingbee, Claudine, Rolly, Willie and Nancy Fernandez). So what do I really really really want? More moments similar to this one.
Moments can be long or short depending on what lingers after. oh, i am simply trying to be relevant. can't, it's just moi! euthymic aka mona gonzalez who loves your blog:)
Thanks, Mona. Liz Gilbert's lesson is you have to be fully in the moment so it lingers longer. Or was that Padma?
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