Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Staying small

My eldest daughter Kimi complained that Manila has gotten so steamy hot that our family home there is no longer conducive for productive work. She has brought her laptop to the nearest "SBuck" (I had to pause some milli-seconds to figure out that abbreviation for a coffee chain) so that she could get work done.

Over here in Baguio, I have no reason to complain about the weather. We needn't even water the plants and garden anymore because the brief afternoon thunderstorms take care of maintenance work.
A digital portrait of Kai and her Boots, a birthday present from her Tita Lor

What I'm focused on is seeing to it that Kai, the Wee One who rules over us, is preoccupied with activities so she doesn't get underfoot. I've blogged about her learning to cut paper, her walks in the park, etc.

For those walks she has her Ate Macky to accompany her with her mongrel Boots (a mix of asPin or asong Pinoy and dachshund) on a lease. It's part of my care-giving method to tire her out or sufficiently get her energy reduced so that she wants to eat and drink more. It works most of the time. Otherwise, mealtimes are cajoling times.

When she's told that she has to eat more to grow stronger and bigger, her ready reply is "I want to stay small!"

Her world is small, indeed: the house, the garden, the village park, then summer school in phonics.
When going to the grocery becomes simple joys time Photos by Babeth Lolarga

So a chance to ride the car to PureGold supermart with Grumpa Tats is a treat. I'm so thankful she's content to stay in the cart and doesn't point at items not in the grocery list for inclusion in the supplies. Stay small in needs, Wee One.

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