Wednesday, September 5, 2012

On the Road with Humming Babe

she travelled well
this tot of a year
& five months
cuddling close
to her mother
whenever she felt
tiny waves of nausea
as the bus picked up
speed & the view
rushed by
including the mountain
she calls home

in the lowlands
she resumes
her exploration
of temporary
abode &
relations she had
in her isolation
after a passing
fear of strange
faces gladdened
by her coming

she sleeps through
a first night
of rainfall
wakes with
a hum in her head
questions in
her eyes that
another day
in another place
will answer
before milk-soaked
dreams fill her up

--Babeth Lolarga
Sept. 5, 2012
9:09 a.m.

Photo of Butones aboard a bus to Metro Manila by Kimi Fernandez

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