Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Anonymous Ms.

in memory of Darnay Demetillo
& for his grieving Flor Hernandez

maybe it's for the best
that i do not know the proper names
of these anonymous blooms
that remove the wretchedness
of hours & days misspent

i like that they don't require
or demand anything from me

what they need the free air
the bursting of clouds provide

would we were like them

so let me introduce ms violet
ms lavender ms red
ms yellow orange
these misses who just happen by
the byways i pass by 

do make their acquaintance too
because they know this open secret:
that after loss
crumpling fading  
their colors  break free anew
on an unexpected morning

--Babeth Lolarga
8:14 a.m.

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