Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Dance of Laguna's flowers (part 2)

"From light to dark"--it's a phrase my art tutor uses on me when I'm doing the background for a painting. He warns me against doing smooth backgrounds that remind him of house painting. Anyway, for those with observant eyes, I began my latest Laguna flower pictures with flowers of light colors and shades. I always make it a point to shoot early in the morning or at four in the afternoon.

Like an answered prayer, my cousin Beng Valdellon, writing all the way from Burke, Virginia, in response to my first batch of shots from yesterday, announced that "I got a book of flowers when I went to Hawaii. I will give it to you when we see each other." Future folios of flora won't go nameless or without captions anymore.

There's something about the shapes and colors of these beauties that remind me of ballerinas and their tutus. Do I hear a waltz?

I'm proud of my shot of moving "froglets" (they're no longer tadpoles, according to my host Precious). So fauna ends this series.
Photos by Babeth Lolarga

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