Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving, and don't drink and drive

A younger cousin and his family living in the so-called eastern seaboard of the US survived Hurricane Sandy and lived to tell the story. He shared this telling picture taken of some other family there. It represents him, I guess, and  in a way our family and other relatives here in the homeland who also survived the last habagat rains. 

Whatever can be said about our families there and here, we know our priorities and at all times, in whatever circumstance, we always, always keep this sense of priorities and our sense of humor and the absurd intact.

Thanks, Cousin Boysie, for sharing this and your thanksgiving message to the world.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday,  all!
Remember, don’t drink and drive. Absolutely no texting while drinking and driving.
Be prepared! Bring a 4’x8’ plywood platform wherever you go.  Keep it handy. You’ll never know…
Our Hurricane Survival Kit
Toilet Paper........................................check
Bud Light...........................................check
Keystone Ice........................................check
Budweiser....... ..................................check
Red Dog.............................................check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol......................check
Piece of plywood to float your old lady and booze on ....... check
Have a great Thanksgiving holiday!
Be safe.